Кавтарадзе Реваз Зурабович

род. 30.10.1951

д.т.н., профессор, Институт механики машин (Тбилиси)


DAAD Stipendium (Bundes Republik Deutschland) 1990, 1995, 2000,
Премия МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана 2002 г.


Эксперт РАН,
Член Редколлегии международного научно-технического журнала «Транспорт на альтернативном топливе»



1. Miao Long, Wang Yi-Chun, Kavtaradze Revaz, Liu Shi-Qun, Sun Xiao-Xia, Zhang Tao. Numerical investigation of heat transfer and flow resistance characteristics of interpenetrated flying-wing finned tubes. Int. Jour. of Heat and Mass Transfer. 191 (2022). 16-p.
2. Kavtaradze R.Z., Onischenko D.O., Golosov A.S., Zelentsov A.A., Chen Zh., and Sakhvadze G.Zh. The Influence of the “Piston Heat Belt–Sleeve” Gap on Heat Exchange in the Combustion Chamber of an Engine Depending on the Fuel Utilized. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 2022, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 112–120.
3. Miao Long, Wang Yichun, Kavtaradze Revaz, Liu Shiqun, Zhang Songmao. Experimental and numerical analyses of thermal-hydraulic characteristics of aluminium flying-wing fins. Applied Thermal Engineering, V. 203. 2022. P. 1-18.
4. Miao L., Wang Y., Kavtaradze R., Guo F., Li Y. Investigation of the heat transfer and flow characteristics in wavy fins of compact heat exchanger in a sand-dust environment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Volume 168, April 2021.-14p.
5. Kavtaradze R.Z., Kondratev A.M., Rongrong Ch., Citian Ch., Baigang S., Sakhvadze G. Zh. Local Heat Exchange in the Combustion Chamber of a Hydrogen Engine Running on a Lean Fuel. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 2021, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 79–87.
6. Natriashvili T., Kavtaradze R., Glonti M., Chilashvili G. Ecological Characteristics of the Direct Injection Hydrogen Diesel with the Use of the 3D Model. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 14, № 3, 2020. Pp.56-63.
7. Wan Rui, Wang Yichun, Kavtaradze Revaz, Hongzeng Ji, He Xinglei. Research on the air-side thermal hydraulic performance of louvered fin and flat tube heat exchangers under low-pressure environment. Experimental Heat Transfer, Vol. 33, Issue 1, 2 January 2020.- P. 81-99.
8. Kavtaradze, R., Natriashvili, T., and Gladyshev, S. Hydrogen-Diesel Engine: Problems and Prospects of Improving the Working Process. SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers, USA) Technical Paper 2019-01-0541, 2019.-15 p.
9. Kavtaradze R.Z., Zelentsov A.A., Krasnov V.V. Local Heat Transfer in Diesel Combustion Chamber Converted to Operate on Natural Gas and Hydrogen. High Temperature, Vol. 56, No. 6. -2018, pp. 900–909.;
Область научных интересов:
Теплообмен в поршневых двигателях, моделирование теплофизических процессов в камерах сгорания, теория поршневых двигателей
Контактный адрес:
Телефон: +7(910)469 00 12
Email: kavtaradzerz@mail.ru
Данные на 26.09.2023